There’s quite a few traditional methods in car soundproofing, we’ve researched a lot in this area and would like to share some findings and common problems in this article.

To keep things simple lets break the process down into 4 parts

1) Identify the issue

To be able to address an issue it has to be clearly identified first. Noise in the car is a complex issue, it comes from many sources and many directions all at once, experienced installers and audiophiles can identify those quite easily, while for an average individual it could be a bit of an issue.

Think of it this way – you have 5 sources of noise, 3 of them are relatively close, while one is clearly above the rest. Now if you have done soundproofing to take care of the highest source, the other sources will now become far more apparent. If the difference between them wasn’t very significant – it’s possible that after soundproofing it will appear that the overall noise level hasn’t dropped at all.

This is a common trap that could result in a fair bit of disappointment for some. It is always best to seek assistance from a professional in this area.

2) Choose the right products

There are a few groups of products that function quite differently, each aimed at resolving a specific issue and incapable of resolving others. Even if the product is of superb quality but it is used incorrectly – the results will be hardly noticeable. Please have a look in this article to find out more.

3) Install the right way

Installation techniques are responsible for approximately 33% of the final result, with the other 67% equally divided between the quality of products and the choice of right products. There is a brief article about this topic which we recommend you have a look at.

4) Hear the difference

If the above three points were done right, this part should come easy. However if something went wrong along the process it would take some careful listening to find out what exactly needs to be taken care of. We suggest taking noise measurements before and after the installation to be certain of what needs to be done at each point. Looking at various frequencies and noise peaks could easily point you towards areas that need to be soundproofed in the car